KVKK Policy

KVKK Policy


Dear User,

In order to be informed about your rights and powers regarding your personal data within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, we kindly request you to read and keep this text, and after reading and understanding it, carefully read the confirmation text below. By creating your YOPI Business membership and starting to use the reservation system, you are deemed to have accepted and declared that you accept the text written below. We kindly request you to highlight the issues that you do not want to approve and to send them to us in writing, stating the parts that you object to.

1. What is personal data?

Any information regarding an identified or identifiable natural person constitutes personal data. Any information that reveals your identity and enables you to be distinguished from other people, such as your name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, address, title, profession, passport number, constitutes your personal data.

2. What is sensitive data?

Data regarding people's race, ethnic origin, political thought, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, appearance and dress, association, foundation or union membership, health, sexual life, criminal conviction and security measures, as well as biometric and genetic information data is special personal data. It is prohibited to process special personal data without the express consent of the person concerned.

3. Which personal or special data of yours is processed?

Your personal data transmitted to us by the relevant person or persons of your company where you work or work directly or indirectly; Your data in the table below may be processed by our company, but not limited to the ones listed below and in line with the requirements arising from the legislation.

Data Category Data Types
ID / Passport Data Name, surname, T.R. No, Passport No
Contact Data GSM, E-Mail
Other Title, profession, date of birth

4. Who is the data controller?

Data controller refers to the natural or legal person who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data and is responsible for establishing and managing the data recording system. The data controller regarding your personal data to be processed due to commercial relations is YOPI Turizm Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi, with tax number 9820456874 and operating at the head office address "Büyükdere Mahallesi Mehmet Osman Sokak No:24/7 Odunpazarı/ESKİŞEHİR".

5. How and on what basis are your personal data processed?

In the processing of your personal data, the procedures and principles stipulated in Law No. 6698 and other laws are taken into account. We process your personal data in a specific, clear and legitimate manner, in accordance with the law and the rules of honesty, for the purpose of improving our security, data analysis and service quality, within the framework of our powers and obligations arising from legislation such as the Turkish Code of Obligations, Turkish Commercial Code, Turkish Penal Code, Tax Procedure Law and as a merchant. We process it for the following purposes and within the framework of your consent. Your personal data is preserved by processing the information and documents we obtain from you and third parties throughout the continuation of your commercial contract into an electronic database. Our IT department makes every effort to keep your personal data accessible to a minimum number of people and to prevent it from being acquired by third parties.

6. How long will your personal data be retained?

Your personal data will be stored for the maximum period prescribed by law, taking into account the periods for which the Turkish Code of Obligations, the Turkish Commercial Code, the Tax Procedure Law and other laws hold YOPI Turizm Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi, as a merchant, responsible.

7. Is it possible to process personal data in cases where there is no explicit consent? In which cases can personal data be processed in the absence of explicit consent?

As a rule, personal data cannot be processed without the explicit consent of the relevant person. However, if one of the conditions listed in the law is met, it is possible to process personal data without seeking the explicit consent of the relevant person. These conditions can be listed as follows:

a) It is clearly foreseen in the laws.

b) Actual possibility It is necessary for the protection of the life or physical integrity of a person who is unable to express his/her consent due to poverty or whose consent is not legally valid.

c) It is necessary to process personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract.

ç) It is mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation.

d) It has been made public by the person concerned.

e) Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right.

f) It is mandatory to process data for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the person concerned.

8. In what cases and when will your personal data be deleted?

Even though it has been processed in accordance with the conditions explained above, if the reasons requiring the processing of your personal data are eliminated, personal data will be deleted, destroyed or made anonymous by YOPI Turizm Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi, the data controller, ex officio or upon your request. Anonymization; It refers to making personal data impossible to associate with an identified or identifiable natural person in any way, even by matching it with other data. Flight tickets etc. before the date of request for deletion of personal data. Personal information on the documents is outside the specified scope.

9. How can you request the deletion of your personal data?

You can request the deletion of your personal data via e-mail at yopi@yopi.com.tr or from the "Delete Account" field in the "Account Information" section on the yopibusiness.com website and Yopi Business mobile application. Upon your request, your data will be deleted, destroyed or made anonymous by YOPI Tourism Industry and Trade Limited Company, the data controller, within 3 (three) business days.

10. In what cases is your personal data transferred to third parties?

Your personal data can be legally transferred to third parties only with your express consent. Your personal data will under no circumstances be transferred to third institutions or parties for any commercial purpose. However, your personal data may indirectly become accessible to third parties due to hosting, data security, storage, data analysis, call center, etc. services provided by other companies.

In addition, your personal data listed in Article 7 of this text, which can be legally processed even if you do not have your explicit consent, may also be shared with third parties without your explicit consent.

11. How is your personal data transferred abroad?

Your personal data may be transferred abroad if you give explicit consent.

As YOPI Tourism Industry and Trade Limited Company, in case of legitimate purposes and requirements, we receive services such as server, domain, hosting, IT, storage, data security software, business development, data analysis, security and organization from companies headquartered abroad. We may need to share your personal data with third parties abroad.

In case your personal data will be transferred abroad, we will definitely check whether there is adequate protection in the foreign country to which your personal data will be transferred, and even if there is not sufficient protection on a country basis, whether the necessary measures can be taken to ensure adequate protection of your personal data by the institution to which your personal data will be transferred abroad, and we will ensure that your personal data is sufficient. If there is a suspicion that it cannot be protected at the appropriate level, your personal data will not be transferred abroad.

12. What are your rights regarding the protection of your personal data? How can you learn about the issues you are wondering about and your rights in this context?

Whether your personal data is processed, for what purpose and how your personal data is processed, how your personal data is used, to whom your personal data is transferred at home or abroad, can be reported to YOPI Turizm Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi by e-mail to yopi@yopi.com.tr. You can ask by sending an e-mail. If your personal data is incomplete or processed incorrectly, you may request correction of your personal data by e-mail sent to the same address or deletion of your personal data if the reasons requiring the processing of your personal data are no longer present; You may also request that third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred be notified that your personal data has been destroyed or corrected.