Membership Agreement

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Membership Agreement


This Agreement, ASD LTD. ŞTİ. (Hereinafter referred to as "YOPI".) and the "CUSTOMER" who purchased the service defined in Article 2.


This Agreement covers the terms specified in the written e-mail, which is an annex and an integral part of the agreement.


CUSTOMER accepts and declares that he/she has detailed information regarding the qualifications, payment method and performance of the service subject to this Agreement and has given the necessary confirmation electronically. “The CUSTOMER accepts that YOPI only provides promotional services and information to the person.
If the service that the CUSTOMER will receive following the promotional services includes the use of luggage; All responsibilities regarding the luggage and its contents belong to the CUSTOMER; The CUSTOMER acknowledges and agrees that he/she is obliged to follow and control the belongings he/she has with him/her, that "YOPI" or its employees have no legal and/or criminal liability for the lost, theft or lost items, and that he/she will not make any claims against "YOPI" and/or its employees for the stated reasons. declares.

CUSTOMER accepts and declares that in order to benefit from promotional services, he/she cannot benefit from services other than the name or names specified in the system, that the names written are correct and there are no spelling errors, that he cannot request the same service to more people than the number of people specified on the system, and that he will not request service outside the dates specified by the CUSTOMER. It does. He accepts that he will not endanger the life and property safety of third parties, otherwise "YOPI" will not perform the service subject to the Contract and therefore the CUSTOMER has no right to refund.
“YOPI” does not sell hotels or any accommodation facilities, only declares and accepts that he/she has provided information and that the fee paid is the cost of promotional services and that the CUSTOMER has made this payment with his/her free will. CUSTOMER accepts that all payments made after the service purchase, other than the specified service purchase details, are his/her personal responsibility.

CUSTOMER's fault, unexpected and unpreventable behavior of a third party, force majeure (adverse weather conditions, road obstacle, strike, terrorism, fog, possibility of war, unpredictable technical issues, etc.), "YOPI" / independent service Except for cases where an unforeseen and unpreventable event occurs even though the provider has taken all necessary care, and in these cases, the CUSTOMER is not entitled to compensation; If "YOPI" violates the Agreement partially or completely, "YOPI" will be responsible for the damages suffered by the consumer, without prejudice to the compulsory insurance provisions defined in Law No. 1618. accepts and declares that all the information is correct and that "YOPI" has no legal liability in this regard.


By entering the service purchase information into the guest system, the necessary guidance is made and the details are sent to the CUSTOMER via e-mail or SMS. Once the CUSTOMER logs into my site, the fee for promotional services is collected by "YOPI". Refund is absolutely out of the question. If, as a result of the promotional services provided, the CUSTOMER does not receive the service confirmation e-mail and cannot receive the service, a service fee of 3 (three) TL will be deducted and the remaining fee will be refunded to the CUSTOMER on the same day. There will be absolutely no cancellation or change as a result of the CUSTOMER receiving an e-mail or SMS stating that the service purchase has been completed, and the CUSTOMER accepts and declares this situation. CUSTOMER knows that the request entered within 1 hour has been concluded and accepts and declares that it must follow up. "YOPI" may terminate the contract unilaterally and the CUSTOMER accepts and declares that it will not claim any legal rights, provided that the CUSTOMER refunds the promotional services fee paid. CUSTOMER cannot transfer its rights to anyone after the start of the service. CUSTOMER accepts and declares that it has examined the promotional services conditions requested and all products and areas for which it will receive service, and has determined that there is no defect and has requested promotional services to the system. CUSTOMER accepts that "YOPI" has no responsibility in this regard.


In case some articles of the contract become invalid, cancellation of the main contract is not possible. CUSTOMER accepts that the contract will remain in force until the service contract is completed.

Since the e-mail address and mobile number specified by the CUSTOMER will be used to complete the promotional service purchase process by “YOPI”, the CUSTOMER is responsible for not notifying the changes in the contact information. CUSTOMER accepts and agrees to send commercial electronic messages and e-mails in accordance with Law No. 6563 to the specified e-mail and mobile phone number "YOPI" and declares. CUSTOMER accepts that membership will be made to the system upon CUSTOMER's promotional service request. The invoice will be sent only via e-mail, the CUSTOMER accepts and declares that the invoice will only be sent via e-mail.

The payment to be made is by credit card and "YOPI" accepts that it is taken as the fee for promotional services and that no collection will be made other than the amount specified by the CUSTOMER.

This contract becomes valid after it is signed by the CUSTOMER and delivered to the SELLER, or if it is created electronically, after it is approved by the CUSTOMER.

In all disputes arising from the execution of this Agreement, Turkish Law will be applied and Eskişehir Courts and Enforcement Offices will be authorized.

This Agreement, consisting of six (6) articles and three (3) pages, was negotiated in detail by the parties and signed in a single copy, and a photocopy of the original was delivered to the CUSTOMER and entered into force on the date of signature.